
Wedding Planning and Mental Health: Navigating the Rollercoaster with Grace


Weddings are whirlwinds of excitement, but they can also be a source of stress. As we observe World Mental Health Day, it’s crucial to address the challenges and emotions that come with wedding planning while offering practical tips for a smoother ride. Sometimes, I look back on my own wedding planning journey. It definitely has its highs and lows. I’ll share some of my personal tips here on how to navigate the rollercoaster with grace, when possible!

Prioritise Self-Care:

Weddings are busy, and it’s easy to put self-care on the back burner. Make time for relaxation, exercise, and mindfulness to recharge your mental and emotional batteries. Whether it’s a spa day, yoga class, or simply a quiet evening at home, nurturing your well-being is essential. Henesh and I, back in our “healthier days”, always made time for the Gym to ensure we had the space to burn off the stresses.

Delegate Tasks:

You don’t have to do it all alone. Delegate responsibilities to trusted friends, family, or a professional wedding planner. Having a support system can alleviate the burden and allow you to focus on what truly matters. It also allows your guests to feel involved and welcome – my Masi (mum’s sister) made my engagement centre-pieces and our mum’s made our gift hampers. There’s so much DIY to do, and trust me, they’ll welcome the request! 

Set Boundaries:

Clearly communicate your boundaries and expectations with loved ones and vendors. Politely but firmly express your desires for the wedding day and any boundaries you need to maintain your mental health. For us, that meant that we didn’t do any wedding planning on Friday’s. We used to go out on a date and put our phone’s aside, and promise each other we wouldn’t talk weddings! 

Maintain Perspective:

Remind yourself of the bigger picture: the celebration of love and the start of a new chapter. It’s easy to get caught up in details, but don’t let perfectionism overshadow the joy of the moment. I still remember walking down the aisle, sitting down and noticing missing items that I’d requested from a vendor. I had to maintain perspective. I was the only one who knew what I had requested. To everyone else, it was all perfect. 

Embrace Imperfections:

Understand that not everything will go according to plan, and that’s perfectly okay. Embrace imperfections as part of your unique wedding story. Sometimes, the most memorable moments are the unexpected ones. 

Stay Organised:

Use wedding planning tools and apps to stay organized. A well-organized schedule and checklist can help reduce stress by ensuring you’re on track with your preparations. I had an itinerary that split each detail down to 5-minute slots for our day. It worked a charm and everyone knew what they were doing. I still use this today with our brides to help them maintain that feeling of being in control and organised.

Effective Communication:

Open and honest communication with your partner is essential. Discuss your feelings, expectations, and concerns. It’s a shared journey, and supporting each other emotionally is crucial. We actually call it the “groom cycle” but I remember Henesh not being hugely interested at first and leaving all things like mandap decor and cake to me. As we got closer to the time, all of a sudden he wanted to input – I’m glad he did. The communication throughout definitely helped!

Budget Wisely:

Finances can be a significant source of stress. Set a realistic budget from the beginning and prioritise expenses based on what matters most to you. Avoid financial surprises by tracking expenses closely. Map out the nice-to-haves and must-haves closed, and revisit this against your budget to ensure you’re getting all your must-haves in. You can always add things later, so don’t feel you have to book the “gold package” to start with. 


Wedding planning can be a wild ride, but it’s essential to remember that it’s just one part of your journey together. On World Mental Health Day, let’s prioritise our well-being and approach the process with mindfulness, self-compassion, and the support of loved ones. By keeping these tips in mind, you can navigate the wedding planning rollercoaster with grace and emerge on your big day ready to celebrate love and happiness.

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Speak soon, 

Rina x

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